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Board of Trustee Opening


Hocking Valley Community Hospital is seeking one citizen interested in serving in a volunteer role as a Hospital Board member to fill a term which expires March of 2024.

Interested persons must be electors and representative of the area served by the hospital, except that not more than two members may be electors of the area served by the hospital that is outside the county in which the hospital is located.

A description of the responsibilities of a Board Member is available by contacting the office of Administration, Hocking Valley Community Hospital.

The new members will be appointed by the County Commissioners and the senior Probate and Court of Common Pleas Judges.

Please send letters of interest with curriculum vitae or resume to President, Board of Trustees, Hocking Valley Community Hospital, P.O. Box 966, and 601 State Route 664 North, Logan, Ohio, you may also email them to