
February is National Heart Month

By Bryan Brown, Director
Cardiovascular/Cardiopulmonary Services

This month is National Heart Health Month. Everyone probably knows someone who has had a heart attack.  Heart disease has been  the leading cause of death very year since 1950. Every year, more than 800,000 people are treated for it. The leading risk factors are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, physical inactivity, and smoking. Genetics and family history are also significant factors. Diagnoses that can apply to cardiac rehab are bypass surgery, angioplasty /stent placement, stable angina, and heart valve problems.

At HVCH, we have two highly experienced Registered Nurses who oversee the Cardiac Rehab program. Crystal Jordan-Nye and Amy Hooper each have over 30 years of experience at HVCH. They are experts at working with the cardiologists to develop individualized treatment programs to get people back on their feet after their heart attack. Patients generally attend a class three days per week for 12 weeks. There is also much education done about preventing cardiac events from happening again.

If you would have any questions regarding the Cardiac rehab program, please call us at 740-380-8219.