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HVCH participates in safety training

Ensuring patient safety and providing high quality care are top priorities at Hocking Valley Community Hospital.

In fall 2023, HVCH partnered with Central Midwest Regional Council of Carpenters (CMRCC) to demonstrate their commitment of ensuring anyone working on a project at HVCH has training and knowledge to carry out the project in a safe manner. In addition, CMRCC provides training to hospital employees on best practices related to mitigating infection risks. Every year across the United States, 1.7 million patients are affected by a healthcare associated infection, and approximately 90,000 deaths occur in healthcare facilities because of an infection they contracted during their stay. Working within a healthcare facility poses unique risks. It increases the importance of having a broader knowledge and understanding of what can happen to a patient should proper infection control measures not be followed.

The CMRCC recognized an opportunity to bring construction companies and healthcare facilities together to ensure patients are protected from such risks.

“Whenever a project is carried out within a healthcare facility, we think about the potential impact on patients. Is it close to patient rooms? Is there a potential for ventilation to be impacted? How old is the part of the building where the work is being done? All these questions are considerations during project planning,” Stacey Gabriel, Hocking Valley Community Hospital CEO, said.

“Why is it important for hospital employees to take the training? Hospital employees need to have an awareness of best practices. Patient safety is everyone’s responsibility. Having the knowledge and understanding of what to watch for despite the size of the project means our patients will be safe from potential harm.”

The eight-hour training covers topics such as how to identify potential hazards, what to do if something harmful is discovered, and how to mitigate any risks of a project. There are 14 steps to assessing a project to help determine what impact it could have on the organization. Construction projects are divided into four categories – A/B/C/D. These categories range from a small visual inspection of a space to a major renovation. Properly categorizing the project helps determine what infection control precautions should take place during and upon completion of the project.

“Upon learning about the training and partnership, we knew it was something of which we wanted to gain a better understanding” Gabriel said. “After attending a national conference in spring of 2023, it affirmed that completing the training would be in the best interest of our patients, staff, and facility. We appreciate the knowledge and expertise provided to us by CMRCC. Patients should feel confident when they come to HVCH for services. The employees take pride in providing you with the best patient care in a hazard-free environment.”