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HVCH welcomes new Chief Nursing Officer

Hocking Valley Community Hospital is pleased to announce that Beth Kluding, MHA, BSN, RN, CCM, has been selected as the new Chief Nursing Officer.

Kluding began her professional career at Firelands Regional Medical Center in Sandusky, Ohio, as an LPN. She became an RN in 2012 and continued her career first as Director of Patient Experience and then as Director of Case Management and Care Coordination with Firelands. Beth volunteers as a nurse at the Loraine Free Clinic. She obtained her BSN and Masters in Healthcare Administration from Ohio University. She started her new role at HVCH in April.

“Beth will bring to HVCH expertise in patient satisfaction and quality as well as in-depth knowledge of utilization and case management in a variety of clinical areas,” HVCH President & CEO Stacey Gabriel said.

Kluding was born in California, grew up in Texas, and moved to Ohio her senior year of high school. She and her family are relocating to the Logan area.

“I am looking forward to learning about HVCH and its community, and see where I can positively impact the employees and patients. Over the past few weeks, I have been watching how the members of the HVCH participate in schools and various groups. This is in line with my belief of how a community and hospital should be connected, and I am looking forward to helping this to continue,” Kluding said.