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Local woman recovers from COVID after 3 months of hospitalization

Local woman recovers from COVID after 3 months of hospitalization

Phyllis HuntLOGAN – It started as a tickle in her throat; then it progressively got worse. Seventy-year-old Phyllis Hunt thought she was suffering from allergies. But sadly it was not.

Hunt, a resident of Sugar Grove, was admitted to Hocking Valley Community Hospital on November 13, 2020, and shortly after received her official diagnoses. She tested positive for COVID-19. Hunt described it as “fighting your body; you feel helpless.”

Hunt spent part of her recovery in the Intensive Care Unit at a Columbus hospital. She could only tolerate a puree diet, and was unable to properly swallow or walk.

She recalled not being able to see her family and friends

. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Hunt was not allowed any in-person visitors.

“I felt insolated. I was worried, I wouldn’t make it home,” she said. However, she was still able to connect with loved ones thanks to technology such as “Zoom” and old fashion cards of encouragement and “get well soon.” Hunt believes what really got her through her illness was the power of prayer.

“I prayed a lot. I prayed the Lord’s Prayer. My church also supported me in prayer, too,” she said.

As Hunt’s health began to improve, she was released from the Intensive Care Unit and transferred to the Transitional Care Unit at Hocking Valley Community Hospital, a place she felt most at home. Hunt became well enough to start physical, occupational, and speech therapies.

In February 2021, Hunt was discharged after spending nearly 3 months in the hospital. Since battling COVID-19, her perspective on life has changed.

“I cherish life very much. I cherish the people that are around me very much. I’m excited to have another chance,” she said.

Hunt’s advice for those battling this illness is to, “Take it one day at a time. Even though you’re in the hospital and you don’t think anything is going to work, it will. Rejoice in every moment,” she said.

That’s exactly what Hunt is doing. Hunt missed Christmas last year, so this Saturday, her family plans on having a socially-distanced Christmas redo. Hunt is excited to watch her grandchildren open gifts.