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Rana Goss retires

HVCH would like to congratulate Rana Goss, RN, on her retirement.

Rana started at HVCH as an LPN in 1990. In 1991, she accepted a full-time rotation position after completing schooling for her RN. She spent her nursing career in the Medical Surgical department and has seen many changes through the years, from the layout of the department, through many different providers.

Rana participated in the hospital’s Nursing Senate, which helped revamp the nursing orientation process. She helped select the first Daisy Award recipient and was also a member of the Safe Nurse Staff Committee.

“Rana is definitely a patient advocate and ensures all her patients are well cared for. She also is determined when it comes to completing the Clean Sweep compliance checklists for the unit, even going so far as getting out a tape measure and ensuring proper distance for some requirements. Many nurses at HVCH have been oriented by Rana, and we will surely miss her,” Stacey Gabriel, HVCH CEO, said.

During retirement, Rana plans to take trips with her mother. All of us at HVCH wish Rana the best in retirement!