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TWIG groups present $19,500 to HVCH

TWIG groups present $19,500 to HVCH

Elly Crow Award Winner Named

Hocking Valley Community Hospital Auxiliary recently held its annual banquet and meeting where the TWIG groups (Together With Important Goals) announced their total fundraising efforts for the past year.

On behalf of the Auxiliary, Ginger Johnson, President, accepted a check for $9,500 from TWIG II, a check for $4,000 from TWIG IV and TWIG VI presented a check for $6,000. Total funds for the year amounted to $19,500.

“These funds are raised throughout the year from individual TWIG projects such as ham sales, jewelry and flower sales, raffles, bake sales and Chinese auctions,” Johnson shared. “Funds are then used to support HVCH with hospital renovations or capital purchases when requested.”

During the annual dinner, the Auxiliary pledged $19,000 to assist in renovations of the hospital’s lobby and admitting area inside the ER entrance. Renovations will include new paint, countertops, lobby chairs and patient wheelchairs.

Stacey Gabriel, HVCH CEO & President, joined Johnson in thanking the TWIG members for all their hard work, dedication and donations throughout the year.

Additionally, the Auxiliary installed new officers at the annual dinner. Serving for 2019 is Ginger Johnson, President; Betty Jo Downs, Vice President; and Kathy Stiverson, Treasurer.

2019 Elly Crow Award Winner Betty Jo Downs

To close the evening’s celebration, CEO Stacey Gabriel and HVCH Board Chairperson Ruth Ann Spatar presented the Elly Crow Award to Betty Jo Downs. Downs has been a TWIG VI member since 2003.

“She is always extremely helpful with any fundraising project and willing to donate her time and talents. She takes her recruitment duties seriously, as she has recruited several new members to come join the TWIG fun. In the past, it is also believed she has also held every officer position within TWIG VI,” Gabriel said.

Downs also has helped with the HVCH Foundation’s golf tournament and charity auction events for many years, and has been a volunteer at the hospital since 2013.

The Elly Crow award was created to honor the former TWIG II member who was instrumental in creating many special events and raising thousands of dollars for our hospital and community. Elly was instrumental in the creation of the annual volunteer dinner, organized the annual Foundation auction, and worked at the annual Golf Tournament that has helped the HVCH Foundation raise more than $1.5 million to purchase hospital equipment.