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TWIGs present $20,000 to HVCH at annual dinner

Elly Crow Award winner named

Hocking Valley Community Hospital Auxiliary recently held its annual banquet and meeting where the TWIG groups (Together With Important Goals) announced their total fundraising efforts for the past year.

On behalf of the Auxiliary, Ginger Johnson, President, accepted a check for $10,000 from TWIG II, a check for $5,500 from TWIG IV and TWIG VI presented a check for $4,500. Total funds for the year amounted to $20,000.

“These funds are raised throughout the year from individual TWIG projects such as ham sales, jewelry and flower sales, raffles, bake sales and Chinese auctions,” Johnson shared. “Funds are then used to support HVCH with hospital renovations or capital purchases when requested.”

In 2017, the Auxiliary made a pledge of $34,000 to assist in purchasing equipment for a third operating room, and $75,000 was pledged to replace a new main water line, including a six-inch pipe original to the building.

Julie Stuck, HVCH CEO & President, joined Johnson in thanking the TWIG members for all their hard work, dedication and donations throughout the year.

Additionally, the Auxiliary installed new officers at the annual dinner. Serving for 2018 is Ginger Johnson, President; Betty Jo Downs, Vice President; and Kathy Stiverson, Treasurer.

To close the evening’s celebration, CEO Julie Stuck and HVCH Board Chairperson Ruth Ann Spatar presented the Elly Crow Award to Alta Bluhm. Bluhm has been a TWIG II member for many years, joining after retiring from Logan City Schools

Dorothy Pierce invited her to attend a meeting one evening, and she enjoyed herself so much – she decided to immediately become a member of TWIG II. She continues to be involved in TWIG because “the members have so much fun doing projects to raise money for the hospital,” Bluhm said. She smiles when talking about her TWIG II activities as friendships, and the service to the community are important to her. She also has served as past president of TWIG II.

Several fundraisers Bluhm helped with in the past are: Catering for wedding receptions, birthday and anniversary parties, baking rolls and pies, soup suppers, and Valentine’s Day candy sales where she made chocolate covered peanuts. She still participates in selling flowers in the spring and fall. In total, she has volunteered more than 25,000 hours of her time fundraising for the hospital.

The Elly Crow award was created to honor the former TWIG II member who was instrumental in creating many special events and raising thousands of dollars for our hospital and community. Elly was instrumental in the creation of the annual volunteer dinner, organized the annual Foundation auction, and worked at the annual Golf Tournament that has helped the HVCH Foundation raise more than $1.5 million to purchase hospital equipment.